We were excited. |
Monastery in Petra |
Obviously the treasury and the monastery They look like the same building. It was quite a hike to both, but very nice much the same. The way into Petra was a narrow canyon, as you can see with the picture of us.
Also, the camel ride was pretty sweet. The guy leading the camels was kinda mean though and wouldn't let us take pictures. Still, I rode a camel.
The old market of Jerash. |
Best surprise in Jerash were a group of three Jordanian bagpipers. Talk about cool. They did a rendition of Amazing Grace and a few other songs for us in one of the amphitheaters. It was a pleasant surprise.
On our way home to Jerusalem, we stopped at the river Jordan. The river was especially high because we are in the rainy season, and it rains frequently. We got lucky and the rain stayed away for the important parts of our trip, but the rain stuck around all week. Its still a little dark here in Jerusalem, but I guess its good for the locals.
Back at the JC 4 people got their calls while we were in Jordan. One of the members of the Presiding Bishopric was nice enough to join us for the announcement. I don't know exactly why he was here with his group, but then again, this is Jerusalem. Anyway the lowdown: Preston- Romania, John (my roomate) - Baltic mission, Kara - Fiji, Lizzie - Taiwan. Most everyone so far is going foreign. We're a pretty amazing group. Oh yeah, my roomate in Jordan used to be part of Vocal Point and sang in the Sing Off last year. Everybody is famous but me.
Loving life like always in the Holy Land.
That looks pretty awesome! It's like the stuff you see in movies haha. Keep enjoying yourself!